Dr. Krzysztof Wabnik obtained his Master in engineering from the Silesian University of Technology in Poland. He migrated to Ghent, Belgium to study how plants coordinate their development using computational modeling approaches. In 2011 he obtained a Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology at the University of Ghent, Belgium under the supervision of Profs. Jiri Friml and Willy Govaerts. After that Dr. Wabnik moved to Vienna, Austria to start his postdoctoral training supported by Marie-Curie funding. Roughly 8 months later he decided to move again this time to the University of California San Diego, USA to study plant hormone signaling networks, after winning a highly-competitive Human Frontier Science Program long-term fellowship. Since mid-2018 Dr. Wabnik leads the interdisciplinary PlantDynamics Laboratory at CBGP, UPM-INIA. His work combines spatiotemporal computer modeling, time-lapse microscopy, and microfluidics to address various questions in plant developmental biology and beyond.