Light CERES biotech

Deciphering the role of CERES in response to light and photosynthesis


The daily alteration between light and darkness is one of the most prevailing environmental changes experienced by plants. During these cycles, plants adjust their growth and metabolism to light and energy conditions. Protein translation is one fundamental process that requires a large amount of ATP to proceed and, for this reason, translation is exquisitely regulated to adjust it to the energy and nutritional status of the organism. It is well-known that, in plants, translation reaches a maximum peak when light and photosynthesis are on; however, the possible mechanisms that regulate translation under light conditions are poorly understood. We have recently characterized a novel translational regulator, called CERES, which modulates translation during the diel cycle. In this project we aim to characterize the mechanisms that adapt translation in plants to light conditions and photosynthesis, paying special attention to the possible role of CERES protein in this process.









An integrative analysis of root adaptation to multi-variant environmental soil conditions


New agriculture practices that maintain food security and will be sustainable and adaptable to climate change are needed to feed the future world population. A temperature increase is usually associated with other abiotic stresses such as nutrient deficiencies, drought or salinity with strong negative effect on crops yield. The root system plays an essential role in plant stress adaptation as this organ optimizes the acquisition of water and nutrients depending on the environmental conditions. In this proposal, we will analyze the effect of warming together with drought and nutrient deficiencies on Brassica napus, one of the world's most important sources of high-quality vegetable oils for human and animal nutrition. We will define the best root ideotypes and identify new molecular markers associated with root adaptive traits. We will also study the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (memory) in response to nutrient starvation. Our aim is to develop more efficient crops in a climate change scenario.









Understanding 4D organ geometries under a dynamic environment


The shoot apical meristem (SAM) of seed plants produces either bilaterally symmetric leaf primordia or radially symmetric floral primordia. This transition between organs identities is regulated by environmental cues such as light and temperature. However, it remains unclear how two different types of organ symmetries arise later during plant development. We will address mechanisms of how different organs obtain radically different geometries, and how the surrounding environment influences cell fate decisions. The combination of quantitative time-lapse live-imaging with computer modeling will instruct us about dynamic changes in cell growth rates during organogenesis and how they determine the final organ shape. To identify causal factors for cell growth variations, we will also extend the analysis to auxin transport and signaling, as well as tissue mechanics. Together, this project will deliver a mechanistic framework for coordinated organ shaping in 4D.









Deciphering the role of chromatin remodeling in integrating environmental and developmental cues to optimize plant adaptation


Adaptation of plants to adverse environmental conditions requires the precise integration of developmental cues with stress responses. Chromatin remodeling processes represent the interphase that facilitates the alterations of gene expression patterns that drive the response of plants to environmental conditions. However, the chromatin-mediated mechanisms that contribute to the integration of stress responses and plant development remain essentially unexplored. In this collaborative initiative we aim at shedding light on the role that chromatin remodeling processes play in this integration for the optimal adaptation of plants to hostile environments by focusing on the characterization of the TINTIN submodule of the NuA4 histone acetyl transferase complex in Arabidopsis. Unfavorable environmental conditions cause severe losses in crop yield, and this proposal will facilitate the development of biotechnological strategies for improving the adaptive capabilities of crops to challenging environments, urgently needed in the current scenario of climate change.