Yuling Jiao is a Research Group Leader at the Center for Genome Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also Professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Science.

The research activity of the group of Dr. Jiao at IGDB focuses on the study of Plant Development and its relavence to crop yield. Dr. Jiao has been extensively in the area of plant lateral appendage formation and patterning. His group has shown how leaf primordia development is mediated by biomechanical cues to acquire a flatterned shape with lamina. His group also identified a meristematic cell lineage that enables shoot branching.

Dr. Jiao has served as the Country Representative and more recently Director at the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee, on the Advisory Board of Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center, and as President of the Chinese Society for Plant Organogenesis. He is on the Editorial Board of Plant Cell, in silico Plants, and Journal of Plant Research, and is Associate Editor for Quantitative Plant Biology and Frontiers in Plant Science.